Thursday, May 19, 2005

Unable To Meet My Meager Expectations

Just returned from seeing Lucas' latest attempt to destroy my childhood. Revenge of the Sith is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I sat through the entire movie waiting for it to get good. I found the acting to be simply awful. Christopher Lee was wasted entirely. Natalie Portman appeared to be in physical pain from speaking the dialogue. Jimmy Smits phoned it in. Hayden Christianson delivered his same three facial expressions. Chewbacca is on the screen for maybe a minute total, and contributes nothing to the film. General Grievous is the worst CGI character yet - totally ridiculous, obviously written in for the express purpose of being killed.

It was as though Lucas felt a desire from the fan base for this movie to be dark, and simply did everything he could to make it so. There are scenes in this movie that I felt were reprehensible.

There is no dramatic tension in this movie. How could there be? The main plot points were given away more than 25 years ago. Padme gets pregnant and dies in childbirth. No surprise there. Obi-Wan fucks up Anakin in the worst lightsaber duel of all six movies. Yup, saw it coming. Actually, when I was 5 I heard Obi-Wan tell Darth Vader that he had been no match for him in the past. Their duel is terrible - so poorly lit and with the film cutting so quickly you can barely tell what's happening.

George Lucas should have done the wise thing years ago - stuck to his word and never made any more Star Wars movies. He's destroyed his own legacy - these new movies combined with his revisionist, soul-leeching edits of the original films have ensured that his work will be loved by my generation alone, and quickly forgotten by my children.


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